Building Virtual Project Teams

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Building Virtual Project Teams

As you put together project teams for new projects, there are many personnel sources to choose from such as in-house employees, sub-contractors, placement agencies, etc. A more cost effective solution is gaining in popularity – virtual staff.

Virtual Staffing Can Pay Big Divedends


We see more and more virtual staffing arrangements (both part-time or full-time) because they are largely successful, more scalable, and cost effective. We attribute the success of remote project staffing to the fact that remote staff members are generally subject matter experts hired to perform a well-defined set of tasks for a set period of time.

The fact that these are subject matter experts means less (or often no) training is needed so the virtual staff can plug into the project and perform almost immediately.

Flexibility of remote arrangements is also advantageous. We work with companies that have both short term and long term leads. In fact, it is common for a few clients to call us in the morning and request document control help for the day because their document control team is shorthanded or because a backlog of vendor data is piling up.

There are a couple roadblocks to virtual staffing. The most common is when engagements aren't specific, task based, objective-driven, or time-bound. Luckily, with a little bit of management these are avoided.

The next biggest roadblock I’ve seen is when companies aren’t using a standardized, cloud-based project information systems which is why Projecxa provides both systems and virtual team members to support the following positions:

  • Document Control
  • Procurement
  • Commissioning Administration
  • Scheduling
  • Cost Control

We have a special promotion that packages virtual staff and software that you really should consider.

If you are interested in adding virtual staff to your project teams, contact us.